Dogs have an extraordinary sense of smell, one that is far superior to our own. While we humans rely heavily on our eyesight to navigate the world, dogs use their noses as their primary sense with hearing second and there eyesight their least effective sense. Understanding your dog's super power will help you appreciate their unique abilities and help you find ways to enrich their lives.

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Christmas and other holiday periods are happening soon and if like me you love to celebrate it is worth considering how this time of year may affect your puppies or dogs. You may live a quiet life for 11 months but in December you become a "Christmas Monster" and all of a sudden your house turns into a fairy grotto with decorations, music food you don't eat for the rest of the year. Imagine what your dog may make of this especially if it is their first year.

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Many of the initial enquiries I receive start with "How can I stop my puppy or dog ..........? doing things such as toileting in the house biting, chewing, barking, Jumping up, crying when left, guarding Items, chasing, pulling any other issues This blog will explain why these may not be answered successfully without seeking help from a dog trainer or behaviourist

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Just like humans, dogs also go through a period of adolescence as they transition from puppyhood to adulthood. It can vary with individual dogs and will also depend on the breed of your puppy and its adult size but can start at approximately 5 months for small breeds up to 2 years for giant breeds. It is triggered by the increase hormones such as testosterone in males and oestrogen in females.

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The best time to request help is as soon as you notice any recurring behaviours that you find inappropriate and if you see signs of aggression, fear, anxiety, or excessive reactivity in your dog.

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